Course Information
Exploration of healthcare issues including changing roles and scope of practice, with emphasis on healthcare policy, interdisciplinary collaboration and social, cultural, political, economic, legal, regulatory and ethical practice considerations.
Healthcare Issues and Trends was the first course I took in the graduate program. I was very excited to get back into school after the short hiatus I took after having my oldest. I was also a little nervous because I was a matter of just one month away from delivering my youngest daughter, so I was not sure how I would juggle all of it. Even with the added stress and responsibility of a newborn now in the picture, I found the class very enjoyable. It was helpful to learn about current issues in healthcare and different ways to deal with them as a new advanced practice nurse. I believe that what I learned in this class laid the foundation for how to successfully deal with issues and make the necessary improvements in my practice. The class discussion allowed for a professional and educational dialogue to be used between students. For my class paper, the topic that I chose pertained to the nursing shortage. From the research that I did for this paper, I learned that the nursing shortage spans back far before the pandemic and is in need of constant attention from a legislative standpoint.